• A Workshop on Photoshop (Photoshop Workshop)

    Photoshop is one of the most popular image editing and graphics development tool. To design a beautiful website everybody are using the Photoshop. Learning of Photoshop is very important to design the modern website and IT based products. Novel Technology provides range of learning courses for Photoshop and related technology. Please visit the Novel Technology to know more about options.

    Workshop CodeDurationFee
    NTWSPSB-011 / 2 Days600/-
    Workshop Syllabus

    Planning and Setting Up
    Getting to Know the Photoshop Workspace
    Opening an existing file in Mini Bridge
    Discovering the Tools panel
    Accessing tools and their options
    Using panels
    Hidden tools
    Navigating the image area
    Using the Zoom tool
    Using the Hand tool
    Working with tabbed windows
    Maximizing productivity with screen modes
    Managing your Photoshop files
    Introducing Adobe Bridge
    Navigating through the Bridge
    Using folders in Adobe Bridge
    Making a Favorite
    Creating and locating metadata
    Using the Filter panel
    Saving a Collection
    Automation tools in Adobe Bridge
    Additional Photoshop tools
    Changing the view
    Photoshop CC Basics
    Opening existing documents
    Understanding document settings
    Viewing an image’s size and resolution
    Combining images
    Transforming and editing combined images
    Removing a background
    Understanding the stacking order of layers
    Refining edges of copied images
    Choosing a file format
    Saving for print and web use
    Making the Best Selections in Photoshop for isolating editing
    Understanding the importance of selections
    Using the Marquee tools
    Working with the Magic Wand tool
    Selecting with the Lasso tool
    Adding to and subtracting from selections
    Saving selections
    Using the Quick Selection tool
    Fine-tuning selections with Refine Edge
    Using Quick Mask
    Selecting with the Pen tool
    Painting and Retouching wtih Photoshop
    Setting up your color settings
    Comparing RGB and CMYK modes
    Using the Color panel
    Changing Brush settings
    Applying color to an image
    Changing blending modes
    Retouching images
    Moving through the History panel
    Using the Clone Stamp and Healing tools
    Working with Camera Raw
    Creating a Good Image with Photoshop
    Choosing your color settings
    Working in RGB
    Reading a histogram
    Making a Curve adjustment
    Defining the highlight and shadow
    Adjusting the midtones
    Setting the neutral
    Sharpening your image
    Taking care of red eye
    An Introduction to Photoshop Layers
    Discovering layers
    Getting a handle on layers
    Creating a new blank file
    Naming your layer
    Selecting layers
    Moving layers
    Changing the visibility of a layer
    Locking a layer
    Using masks in a layer
    Preserving transparency
    Next steps

    Outcome of Workshop

    The Student is able to list what is Photoshop.
    The Student is able to list the salient features of Photoshop.
    The Student is able to do basic Photoshop design.
    The Student is able to understand complete structure of Photoshop GUI.
    The Student is able to design the entry level Photoshop HTML page.
    The Student is able to understand the structure of Photoshop based design.
    The Student is able to understand the power of Photoshop for modern or responsive websites.

    Key Experiments or Demo

    Understanding and managing Photoshop based design.
    Getting to handle layers in Photoshop.
    Managing the Photoshop designs for different type of Website.
    Use of different Photoshop Web based tools.
    Review different Photoshop component available for HTML Design.

    Enquiry Form

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    Email Id: *
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    Mobile No.: *
    Details *

    * Fields are mandatory

    Learning & Certifications