• A Workshop on Xilinx Platform (VLSI Design Workshop)

    To develop a electronics products everybody are using the techniques of VLSI Design. Learning of VLSI is very important to develop the an VLSI based products. Novel Technology provides range of learning courses for VLSI and VHDL technology. Please visit the Novel Technology to know more about workshop and training options.

    Workshop CodeDurationFee
    NTWSVLSIB-011 / 2 Days600/-
    Workshop Syllabus

    Introduction to Electronics System Design
    Digital System Design
    FPGA Architecture
    Xilinx FPGA Device
    Introduction to VHDL
    Interfacing FPGA with LED, Switches
    Xilinx Tool Suite
    Simulation of Programs
    Configuring FPGA Device
    Hardware Verification

    Outcome of Workshop

    The Student is able to list what is VLSI.
    The Student is able to list the salient features of Xilinx FPGA.
    The Student is able to write basic VLSI Programs.
    The Student is able to understand complete structure of VHDL based programs.
    The Student is able to write the entry level code for FPGA Interfacing.
    The Student is able to understand the structure of VHDL applications.
    The Student is able to understand the power of FPGA for Electronics System Development.

    Key Experiments or Demo

    Understanding and managing Xilinx ISE GUI.
    Running basic commands on Xilinx Tools.
    Managing the VHDL source files in Xilinx ISE.
    Simulation of VHDL programs of basic gates.
    Simulation of VHDL programs of combinational logic.
    Simulation of VHDL programs of sequential logic.
    Hardware verification of VHDL programs on Xilinx FPGA.

    Enquiry Form

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    Subject: *
    Email Id: *
    Phone No.:    
    Mobile No.: *
    Details *

    * Fields are mandatory

    Learning & Certifications